In addition to my FAQ on Opera, check out - clearly the defacto resource for Opera on EPOC.


Security settings dialog does not operate correctly

Crashes when trying to run a Java applet

Colour images do not seem as clear as with V3.62?

Cannot turn off 'Insecure Form' warning

Blank page when trying to access some secure (HTTPS) sites

Multi-line text entry boxes on forms extend off the right-hand side of the screen









Security settings dialog does not operate correctly

The security dialog box neither represents the correct security settings nor can it be used to edit them. The defaults are that SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS 1.0 and 'Alert before insecure form' are are enabled, although it shows all security options unticked.

The workaround is direct editing of the Opera.ini file in C:\System\Apps\Opera (the only option you'll probably want to change is switching off the 'insecure form warning'):



Crashes when trying to run a Java applet

Opera and Psion have worked hard to include Java applet support on EPOC. They have done very well, but Java is known to be a memory hog (and the older JVM used contains several memory leaks) so it is not uncommon for Opera to crash out with a KERN_EXEC 3 error when a particularly heavyweight Java applet is loaded.



Colour images do not seem as clear as with V3.62?

Opera 5 does not appear to support 256 colours! No workaround, other than reverting to the previous version :o(



Cannot turn off 'Insecure Form' warning

This is covered in an issue described above.



Multi-line text entry boxes on forms extend off the right-hand side of the screen

This occurs if the text-box does not have a width specifier in the HTML. And a right pain it can be too. A workaround suggested by wanman from the psionplace forums is to use zoom. This forces Opera to redraw the screen, meaning that text that had 'disappeared' off the RHS of the screen gets wrapped into view.



Opera will not access some secure (HTTPS) sites

Opera for EPOC is not capable of handling secure (HTTPS) websites that use self-signed certificates. Support is planned for a future release.



Page last updated: May 14, 2003